Saturday, July 2, 2005

Letting Go

We said goodbye for some time now
But I can’t forget you, please tell me how?
Memories of you keep coming back
I can’t help but to reminisce the past.
There was sadness in your face when you left me
And your teary eyes were telling me “I’m sorry.”
You held my hand and kissed it gently
“I will miss you!” were words you whispered softly.
Tears tumbled from my eyes before you walk away
you looked at me, embraced me and said
“You’ll be in my heart everyday.”
As I stand in the dark and watched you stride
there was pain in my heart and I cried hard.
You caused me grief and anguish that’s why you left
but your kindness and sweetness I kept.
I still cling to the happy memories you left behind
your words and compassionwon’t fade in my heart and mind.
Your mistakes are not important to me
what matters is the Love, You and Me.
How could I totally let go of someone like you
who once let me feel a love that was true.
As I close my eyes at night before I went to sleep
I hold my pillows tight and my heart still weeps.
I embrace the thoughts of you coming back to me
but your foot prints went far away from me.
I let you go and this time its really goodbye
and may the wind take this feelings away from me,
and bring it up high in the sky….

by: jheng manalang prado

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